• Heartprints

    The Worry Syndrome

    Matthew 10 Do Not Worry! We hear the word syndrome, but do we know what it means? Here is one definition: A distinctive or characteristic pattern of behavior. Worry falls into that category and our children often exhibit this due to varying circumstances. Another word for worry is anxiety or being anxious. One of the greatest challenges in our children’s lives is that they tend to worry. They worry about many things. Worry is one of those nagging sins that we and they carry like a trophy and it disturbs not just ourselves but spills over into our relationships with others. We worry about what tomorrow will bring or we…

  • Heartprints

    Adult Children and Blame

    Author: Lucille Williams Why is it so hard to live by grace for ourselves as a parent? As I was raising my children when they had behavior that was, let’s just say, “unbecoming,” my first instinct was to blame myself. Did I not teach them right? Did I not model good behavior? Is this because of the fight I had with hubby this morning? Is this my fault? And now that my children are all grown (and they seem to be struggling in an area) it can sometimes morph into self-blame, again. Did I totally miss the mark on my parenting? How can this be happening, didn’t I teach them…

  • Heartprints

    Summer Reading

    Summer is here and with it comes vacations or holidays as the UK says, time to relax and turn back to reading some new and old favorite books. Children enjoy this time, and we should as well. But, as we read, we are cautioned to be alert to this deadly d sin: sluggishness or dull. We can read but not comprehend. We can read but not enjoy it. We can read but not utterly understand the author’s motives and thought process.   The author of Hebrews chastises the reader with these words: “On this topic we have much to say, and it is difficult to explain, since you have become…

  • Heartprints

    Life After….

    Life After a Heart Attack by Lucille Williams I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life. Not that my life was bad before, on the contrary, I was quite happy with my life, but when your husband has a major heart attack while you’re holding his hand, it changes things. It changed my perspective. It changed my outlook on life. It changed everything. Even though I wasn’t the one experiencing the actual heart attack I went through it too. I went through the fright. I went through the tears. I went through realizing this could be the end for him. And at the same time, I knew…

  • Know Jesus and know biblical joy


    Phil 2 Real Life Joy Children learn an acronym and recite it: J-O-Y which translates to Jesus first, others second, yourself last. We all need to use that in our witness and our everyday life. Paul wanted his precious Philippians believers to “recite” this in real life scenarios. He wrote to the church: “each of you should, in humility, be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself.” [Phil 2:3b] Further, he used the example of Christ who although he had the rights to be King of Kings, he chose instead to be a servant,which he demonstrated by washing the feet of his disciples. As he finished this…

  • Parenting is 24/7

    Post Two: Family Matters

    How to Have a Meaningful Relationship with Your Kids by Lucille Williams There’s a video circulating where parents are asked, Who would you most like to have dinner with? Some of the answers were: Paul Hogan, Justin Bieber, Marilyn Monroe, Jimi Hendrix… It’s fun to watch what people say and see how their spouses respond to the answer. But what was most interesting was when the parents’ kids were interviewed and asked the same question… Who would you most like to have dinner with? “Does it have to be someone famous?” one boy asked. The interviewer said, “No.” This boy then answered, “Family.” One child said, “Mom and Dad.” Another,…

  • Heartprints

    Prayer in a Family Matter

    How often have you been met with a family matter that could mean life or death for a loved one? Learn from Lucille Williams her journey through this harrowing night when her husband had a major heart attack. She writes in first person: My Husband Had a Major Heart Attack I feel like my life is over. Over may seem a bit over-the-top but feelings can be over-the-top. Certainly, my life has changed forever and my feelings are strong. Tuesday night Mike woke me up at 3:00 a.m. “Something’s wrong,” he said, “I’m having chest pains…and my arms hurt…and my jaw hurts.” My reply was, “We need to get you to the hospital.” He…

  • Heartprints

    Dream Big by Lucille Williams

    I’m often asked, “How do you do it? How do you write a whole book? I want to write a book, but I don’t think I can. I don’t even know where to start.” My reply is always the same, “I write my books one sentence at a time and one paragraph at a time.” Have you ever thought about writing a book? Maybe you want to put pen to paper and leave a legacy for your children, for your grandchildren. Don’t let that annoying, negative voice in your head tell you that you can’t do it. I understand that voice— it begins every time I sit down to write.…

  • Heartprints

    Coming to God

    Children have fascinating minds that offer a window into their soul. They question much, trust much but also fear much. The Psalmist wrote his prayer to God in Psalm 6 and 7. In it he reveals why he can trust and have no fear. Many have the mistaken idea that we can only come to God when we are on good behavior, but the Psalmist shows us that we can come boldly before the throne of grace at any time. The religious leaders, the political leaders, and the followers of Jesus were asking, “Who is he?” The Psalmist knew the answer! He is “my” God, the One who is immutable;…

  • Heartprints

    Christmas and Mr. Scrooge

    Charles Dickens wrote that story long ago, but it is as if it were written today. There will always be the Scrooges in our midst. Paul doesn’t mince words  about the Scrooges Titus would meet as he sought to pastor. These are rebellious, empty talkers, and the result is that they upset not just themselves but everyone around them. We too might meet such persons. They are the ones who say ‘humbug’ to all the trappings of Christmas and they were doing just that to Titus’ overtures. They profess to know God, but their very lives deny Him, and especially on Christmas. Have you met them? They are stingy and…