Guest post: How to Handle Church Hurt
I vaguely remember my parents arguing about some friends from church. I was about 15 and did not know precisely the reason for the argument. I knew only that my mother was distraught. The arguments eventually led to our leaving the church we had attended for nearly eight years. Their friends had deeply hurt them. This was not the only time that happened. Eight years ago, we left the first church our family attended as immigrants to Oman. The pastor had stolen church money, which led to many arguments, and the congregation splintered. The broken relationships caused so much pain, especially for my mother. Some of her friendships have never…
Making Summer Strategic
Making a successful transition is all about managing our emotions as well as our beliefs. How can we best use our summers to prepare them for transitions in the fall?
Nuggets of Truth in Narnia
C. S. Lewis is truly a gifted writer. If you haven’t read his Chronicles of Narnia, it is never too late to dive into this world of talking animals, a wardrobe with a secret pathway into Narnia, and adventures that range from creation to the final judgment. Nestled in the context of the make-believe world of Narnia are many nuggets of God’s truth.One good example is found in the book, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. This is a story of danger and courage with great insights on the issue of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a difficult issue for everyone. It is hard for us to admit that we need it and may…
Struggling to Forgive
There is no quality we can exhibit that speaks of God more than forgiveness. It is so rare and difficult that others take note when they see its reality. Anger, bitterness, and gossip often rule our relationships and marriages and decrease our witness to others. Many believers claim to have forgiven but their actions speak louder than their words and suggest otherwise. Scripture clearly calls us to forgive as God forgives us (Matt. 6:12; Col. 3:12, 13; Eph. 4:30-32), but it’s not quite as easy as following a 1-2-3 outline, is it? Have you ever struggled to forgive? How is it possible for us to forgive, especially when…