God’s Power Tools – #7
Our most powerful tool in teaching empowers and enhances the use of all the other tools. It could easily be compared to a battery; it powers and recharges all the power tools God has placed in our hands for ministry. Our seventh power tool is love. God’s desires a relationship through us with each child; His love will flow to us then through us to them. Like a lantern it will project His light and dispel the lies of darkness which bombard them daily. How do we learn to wield this tool, to cut a path through the tangle of lies embedded in a child’s heart? Only love can unlock…
God’s Power Tools – #5
God has given us a voice to speak forth His written Word. With our voice we are to proclaim the wonder of the Creator. The love of Christ compels us to give voice to the Good News of God’s salvation. Our fifth power tool, our voice, is an old tool but it has an amazing power to capture the interest of those we want to listen. “Until very recently in human history, most people could neither read nor write . . . spoken language was the only practical way to warn someone that there might be a snake in a nearby bush. Perhaps as a result, human hearing and speech…
Broken Leadership – Why is Leadership Broken?
Leadership is broken today. The evidence abounds all around us. *Leaders search for solutions only to discover bigger problems than ever. *Followers seek for leaders of integrity only to find pursuers of self-interest. *Organizations long for leaders who unify only to find controllers who divide. *Staff members hope for leaders who value them only to find ambitious men and women who use them. *Wives hope for strong men to lead them only to find passive men who avoid them. *Children crave fathers who will nurture them only to find selfish men who ignore them. Perhaps the greatest evidence of broken leadership in our world is the number of books that…