• Church Windows

    On the Anniversary of Dad’s Death

    “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment accompanied by a promise, namely, “that it may go well with you and that you will live a long time on the earth” (Ephesians 6:2-3). Today is the anniversary of Dad’s death. Dad was a complicated man, to say the least. Recently I was talking to a Christian brother and, essentially, said that when we die it might be said for any of us believers: “He was a Christian… and he was a mess in many ways.” We never outgrow our desperate need for Christ. Anyone who knew my dad knew he had struggles, but they also had no doubt…

  • A white cow standing on top of a grass covered fieldDescription generated with high confidence

    I Shall Not Want

    “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” This quote from Dickens’ best describes my memories of summer days as a child. I could hardly wait for summer vacation. No school! No homework! The whole day to play. It was truly the best of times. No sooner was school out than the days became too hot to do much of anything. Friends went away on vacation or away to camp. I quickly became bored with no where to go and nothing fun to do.  It was also the worst of times. Sitting in a class room on a warm May day looking out the window as…

  • Heartprints


    Several years ago our pastor gave a series of messages on the Names of God.  To this day, that particular series has been one of my favorites and has touched my heart and has deepened my relationship and understanding of who God is, His attributes, and His character.  As we go into this holiday season, I am reminded and thankful to Almighty God for… He is Jehovah…God is my LORD.  To Him I am thankful.  (Exodus 3:10-15) He is my Elohim…God is my Creator and ruler over all.  To Him I am thankful.  (Exodus 3:14-15; 12:12, Psalm 121:1-3) He is my El Shaddai…God is Almighty and the Sufficient One.  To Him I am thankful.  (Genesis 17:1-8; Psalm…

  • Heartprints

    How Well Do You Know…HIM?

    How well do you know HIM?  He is the resurrection and the reason we have hope of everlasting live.  Jesus Christ died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins and He said it is finished, but on the third day He rose again…Great News for all of mankind…Now He lives in heaven sitting at the right hand of God…As we approach Resurrection Sunday, I would like to encourage those of you who work with children to ask them the following questions…

  • Heartprints

    Embrace Christmas With a Loving Heart!

    As we approach Christmas let your heart be full of the love of Jesus.  Embrace the only one who can bring love, joy, peace, and hope everyday of the year.  This Christmas receive the love of Jesus who is God's gift to the world and the only reason to celebrate this season. O Come let us adore Him…