• Engage

    Are You Holding On for Dear Life or Living at God’s Speed?

    “Learn to live at Godspeed,” Mindy Caliguire taught in the Strengthening Our Soul soul care Collective I participated in this past Spring.  Her choice of words immediately brought me back to an illustration God gave me at another time when life was particularly full. I was two years into my ministry with my current agency and the pace of work started picking up. The requests came more frequently and the decisions were harder.  “I feel like I’m driving a wagon at full speed and it’s about to take off and drag me behind,” I told some friends, finally able to put words to my feelings. “I could devote more time…

  • Engage

    The “Busy” Problem

    The holiday season is here, and for many of us, this time of year only further exacerbates our already busy and too-full lives. So in the spirit of slowing down, pause, take a few seconds and ask yourself, “What is my current pace of life? Is my pace slow, hectic, challenging, life-giving or sustainable? Am I tired, busy, fulfilled, or bored?” According to the Barna Research Group, 59% of all women are dissatisfied with work/ home balance, 72% are stressed out, 58% are tired, and 48% are overcommitted. If you’ve ever thought, “Time is getting away. There isn’t enough of it. I must pedal faster and faster to keep up,”…

  • Engage

    A New Normal: Finding Life amidst Chronic Illness

    Four-and-a-half years ago an autoimmune condition slipped into my system. Like Troy’s Trojan horse, it unleashed a stealth attack. And the battle that ensued left me battling bouts of exhaustion and extreme fatigue.   When our bodies don’t work like we want them to, we’re often left searching for a new normal. Yet as we embrace the journey, we learn to acknowledge our humanness, rest in God’s presence, and ultimately find new life.   Listen Deeply: It requires attentiveness to acknowledge the changing needs within us. We may notice our need for more sleep, cravings for solitude, or longings for better health. And only as we pay attention, can we…