• Heartprints

    Helping Your Children Learn to Read the Bible on Their Own

    Teaching our children to love and value the Word of God is a noble desire. But how do we do so when so many things seem to fight for their attention? The newest iPhone app, TV shows, video games, et cetera! In a world that’s so busy, how do we teach our children to quiet their hearts before the Lord? There are no fool proof methods to short circuiting the Spirit’s work in their hearts, but here are some helpful practices: 1.)  Lead by Example—The number one reason I developed a consistent personal devotion time as a young child is because I saw other family members doing it. They never…

  • Engage

    A Heart of Thanksgiving

    I love this time of year. I especially love how time turns as we head towards Christmastime. I have especially enjoyed reading the “…thankful for…” tweets and Facebook posts from my friends. Wordless pictures on Instagram simply thanking God for everything filled my days with smiles. God made such creative people!    I didn’t do any social media things this year. I decided after last year’s Thanksgiving, to skip it this year. What you need to understand is that I fell into the trap of trying to find the most creative way of communicating my thankfulness for the wrong reason. I saw that I played the part of feeling thankful…

  • Engage

    The Daily Quiet Time: Is Morning Truly Best?

      Back when I was a teen, I heard over and over that I needed to have a private daily time of Bible reading and prayer, and if I failed to have this “quiet time” in the morning, I was living all day in my own strength. Our Aussie friend heard the same emphasis on a morning quiet time when he was growing up, as well as later, when he enrolled in a US discipleship program. Both of us, while in Bible college in opposite parts of the world, heard this idea emphasized. Not only did Christians need time with God, we were told, but it had to involve Bible…