Embracing the Lonely Seasons
Alone. Most of us cringe just seeing the word by itself on the page. We may welcome alone time for a few hours. We may seek out a solitary retreat. But few of us relish being alone for long periods of time. Even worse, that lonely ache you feel in a crowd. You might be surrounded by others at a gathering. You might put on a smile at the party. You may even lift your hands in worship at church. And yet you feel painfully alone. Like it or not, most of us will go through seasons when we feel alone. The ache of loneliness will tug at our soul…
Beauty in the Waiting
Gray skies. Still, stiff air. Walking for miles with no end in sight. Waiting. If you had to describe waiting in your own life, how would it look? Hurried and determined by nature, to me waiting feels like a long walk with no clear direction. I step out the front door on a dreary day and go, uncertain of where I’m going or when I’ll arrive. I know the walk is good for me—strengthening muscles and teaching me to trust. But I struggle to enjoy the journey. And I hesitate to trust the One guiding me throughout the twists and turns. I run ahead. I take a break. I struggle…
To Everything Turn Turn Turn!
Ecclesiastes 3 fascinates me and apparently it fascinated the 60’s super group The Byrds too. They even wrote a song based on the scripture, though they made into a political statement and thus conveniently took something out of context from the Bible…imagine that?? That never happens right? I’m not here to pick on The Byrds, in fact I actually really like the song “Turn Turn Turn.” I’m writing about the fact that as humans and especially Christ followers, we actually live out our lives in seasons regardless of how "forever" we tend make things seem in our minds. Seasons are really nothing more than a periods of time…