• Impact

    The Tower of Babel

    Genesis 11:1–9 Time: The dawn of human history Place: The Fertile Crescent   Lesson Aim: To note that God will not permit the rebellious acts of the proud to succeed.   Introduction   Noah’s descendants at a plain (or valley) in Shinar were so filled with pride that they had the audacity to defy God’s will. We can only imagine the conflict that arose after God confused their language. There must have been huge misunderstandings, arguments, and estrangements. When we arrogantly focus on ourselves and what makes us happy, we end up in conflict with other people who are doing exactly the same thing. Everybody can’t get his or her…

  • Engage

    God Will Join Together What Man Has Put Asunder

            In India people get placed into rigid hereditary social distinctions.  And no amount of education or hard work could get a person out of their designated caste. A person born high caste enjoys all societal privileges without having to prove herself worthy of said caste, and a person born low caste gets sentenced to a lifetime of cleaning urine and feces no matter how much she tries to prove herself worthy of a better life.  This may seem too ridiculous to believe. But we’d be surprised what people believe just because their relatives say it’s true.                 In my opinion, all social…

  • Lincoln

    A House Divided

    “If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand” (Mark 3:25). The headlines recently, in America, were certainly unsettling for a news and commentary junkie like myself. The United States seemed to be imploding, committing suicide on live television. For some time now I have believed that we are witnessing the self-destruction of the United States. I often think of the words of Abraham Lincoln, who said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” History will show whether this proves true or not. On Friday morning July 8th, many…