• Impact

    The Lifetime Wilderness

      Leadership is broken because leaders are unbroken Wilderness Wanderings Series: Learning to Live the Zigzag Life Rumors were flying. Reports were circulating. Terror was rising. Babylon was marching. The world was changing. Confusion reigned. Waves of hope crested and crashed with each new report… The hope was that Egypt, Judah’s great alley and protector, would rescue the country. Then came bad news—Egypt was defeated by Babylon. Then came good news. Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar’s father, the king of Babylon, died, and the prince rushed back to the capital of his empire to be crowned king. Maybe with the press of his new responsibilities, he would forget about Jerusalem. But no, he…

  • Impact

    The Profitable Wilderness

      Leadership is broken because leaders are unbroken Wilderness Wanderings Series: Learning to Live the Zigzag Life What would it be like to be left out of your own family? To be unvalued and know it because you are not invited to major family events. You are sent on menial errands to help other family members who then tell you to “shut up” and not make any problems.   How painful can it get? Do you think you could grow to be a leader coming out of that kind of rejection? Of course you can, but what kind of a leader would you be? Man’s Look, God’s Look   It…

  • Engage

    Wait For Hope to Appear

    Many times, we will find ourselves surrounded by suffering. It seldom makes any sense and it sometimes hurts so deep that words fail to adequately describe our pain. I wrote the following blog in a time such as this and with these few words, I found hope.    “When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don’t ask questions. Wait for hope to appear. Don’t run from trouble. Take it full-face. The ‘worst’ is never the worst.” Lamentations 3:28-30 (MSG) (italics and bold mine)   I struggle with the idea of waiting especially when “life is heavy and hard to…

  • Engage

    The Invisible Watch

         Our son (almost) five year old son, Luke, comes to our church’s contemporary worship service with us. During the service he often takes his daddy’s watch and changes the time, hoping that he can move time along and therefore, the service along by moving the hands on the watch. He believes that if he changes the time then time will pass more quickly. (Note: this is not a commentary on the quality of our worship service – we are talking about a five year old, here!)     What Luke is physically doing with a watch we often wish we could do with time as well. We encounter a time…

  • Engage

    The Wait of Infertility

    Guest Blog by my student and friend Julie Fuller:  We in western culture tend towards impatience. In general, we do not enjoy waiting…in lines, for food, for replies. Occasionally, I even find myself urging the microwave to heat food faster. The journey of infertility is all about waiting. Waiting for a new month, waiting in medical offices, waiting on test results. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. God works in wondrous ways; what seems to be a wasteland of waiting on the journey to our “real” destination might actually lead to His intended purpose. Sometimes I am unable to see His hand at work because of my laser-focus on what I desire in…