A Wedding Prayer
Someone once told me that a big draw for people coming to the bible.org web site, which hosts this blog, is wedding resources. They come looking for wording. Whether seeking entire ceremonies or simply prayers and vows, they look to a site with the word “Bible” in it for help. So, today I’m sharing a prayer I crafted for one of my favorite couples, Lacie and Eric, at their beautiful wedding in the Air Force Academy Chapel near Colorado Springs. Some of the words I wrote myself, but I also borrowed phrases from songs like “Wonderful, Merciful Savior” and The Book of Common Prayer. Do you have a favorite wedding…
Part VII: The Lord of the Scroll – Revelation of the King’s Bride!
After Jesus had risen from the grave (1), He entered the Most Holy Place in the Temple of Heaven as our Living Mercy Seat (1), having received a glorified body of flesh and bone in His resurrection (Luke 24:39). (2) Then He appeared, as if out of nowhere, in the locked room where the apostles had hidden for fear of the Jews (John 20:19). His glorified body can move at the speed of thought by converting from matter to energy and back at will. (3) This glorified body is what all born again shall have one day (1 Corinthians 15:48-53). A body that is immune to death, disease, and damage, etc.
Here Comes The Bride – Impacting Lives From Generation to Generation
The candles were lit – shining brightly in the midst of the moment. The musician was playing a sweet melody on the piano, setting the mood for the evening. The guests were all seated and the bridal party was in place – everyone was waiting with great anticipation for that special moment.
Aprons and Glamour
At our son’s rehearsal dinner, we invited our guests to come up to a podium for a time of addressing the happy couple. Kevin had asked for this since his now-wife’s love language is words of affirmation. (But even if he hadn’t, we would have planned that anyway. I’m a huge believer in helping people love and encourage each other publicly.) My husband, as the host, first welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming, then it was my turn. I had donned a bright red, brand new apron for the occasion and spoke to my precious new daughter-in-love. “For 24 years I have been the number one woman in Kevin’s…