
The Power of a Simple GIft

Ever wish you could afford to do more for your kids?

You can give them a priceless gift without spending a penny if you courageously dare to give the simple gift of obedience.

As parents we naturally think of “obedience” as something we expect from our kids. Instead, think about your obedience to God. Here’s why it’s so powerful…

Ever wish you could afford to do more for your kids?

You can give them a priceless gift without spending a penny if you courageously dare to give the simple gift of obedience.

As parents we naturally think of “obedience” as something we expect from our kids. Instead, think about your obedience to God. Here’s why it’s so powerful…

“Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make Our abode with him.” – John 14:23

This priceless gift models how you obey God in all areas of your life….in the big things but also in the little things…in the easy times…and especially in the hard times.

Anne and I are proud parents of 3 kids, Elizabeth, Jonathan, and Hannah. Our three little kids have grown to be 3 big kids that are now 14, 16, and 18.

Kids learn best by seeing truth lived out in action over time.

Obedience is doing what is asked of me the first time, following through with a humble attitude of trust that honors God and honors others.

It’s more than an outward action.
I ‘m sure I ‘m not the only parent who can fake an impressive display of obedience while my heart is rebellious.

In my relationship with my Heavenly Father, simple obedience means trusting that He has my best interest at heart. So when God asks something of me, even if I do not fully understand the reasons, I still choose to simply obey Him. I submit to His wise direction in my life.

Simple obedience rejects the temptation to play the delay game by giving God the “big BUT”. “I know you are asking this of me God…BUTTTTT…” as I begin to rationalize why I have a better plan.

Delayed obedience is disobedience in disguise.
Obedience requires a timely response.

So what happens when I fail?

What a great opportunity to show my kids how to make things right. They too will mess up. How will they know how to deal with failure in a way that honors God if I do not show them first?

God is giving you the opportunity to give a priceless gift that will long outlive you if you dare give it. Its impact will reach into future generations.

It’s not too late.
Push back on the urge to give up or withdraw.
Courageously choose to give your children the priceless gift of simple obedience.

So how has the obedience or disobedience by those you love left a mark on your life for good or for bad?

What mark do you want to leave on those you love by your obediance?

One Comment

  • Michael Garrett

    Right on!

    As a parent I can relate. It is so hard knowing they are watching me. My actions no longer disappoint just myself.