• Impact

    Authentic Relationships: Serving, Carrying Burdens and Building Up One Another

    I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know; the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found to serve.                                                                                                                                                             …

  • Engage

    God with “Skin On”

    Thanksgiving offically kicks off the “Holiday Season” and sounds of the season surround us. Decorations abound, lists begin, shopping survives Black Friday.  For many this annual season recalls warm memories and anticipates new ones. I discovered this year a family Facebook picture that included the newest member sporting a tiny tee shirt with the words “I’m New Here.” That clever line brought a smile to my face. However, for some, if not many, aspects of this season prove difficult.  Perhaps because of painful memories of seasons past or traversing a first season without a loved one gone, they struggle to enter into the celebration. It could be added stress financially…

  • Engage

    Summer Trouble and Soul Anchoring

    You are in the thick of it, not quite the needed summer respite you anticipated. This is NOT the picture you had in mind of yourself this summer -swinging in a hammock breathing in the fresh mountain air.                         Instead you feel like you are in what this picture represents: chaos…a big, fat traffic jam –uncertainty of moving forward or anywhere, confusion, impasse, no apparent way out, delay, craziness, burdens, stress -TROUBLE. Scarily this picture can also mirror the state of our souls revealing the necessity of soul anchoring in a speed saturated, no margins-crammed to the gills society. Soul anchoring becomes critical especially when the circuits are jammed, the…