Shaping Abstract Truths To Form A Firm Foundation – #2- God’s Image In Mankind Became Distorted at the Fall
God has complete unity in HImself, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He made humans to live in unity and community with Him. God planned from the beginning for Adam and Eve and all their descendants to walk and talk with Him daily. “ . . . the man and hiswife heard the sound of the Lord God moving about in the orchard at the breezy time of the day. . .” Gen 3:8 The Net Bible Imagine that for a moment, as you are going about your daily business when suddenly you hear the sound of Creator God moving about. He is with you, there to visit with you in person,…
What’s In The Package? Evaluating and Choosing the Right Curriculum
Several years ago I was on the Weight Watchers diet. During the weekly meetings the leaders would share tips and encouragement to help us tackle the challenging task of losing weight.