Stay Christ-Focused When Telling Your Story
How did you first hear about Jesus? Did someone tell you their story? People love to hear stories. Look at all the time we spend watching movies, reading books, and scrolling through Facebook. Yet, the tendency for all of us humans is to spend way too much time telling about ourselves, focusing on ourselves. This article will help you to stay Christ-focused when given the opportunity to tell your story. Storytelling focuses on self. Storytelling is popular these days, especially on social media. We are continually prompted to “Add to story” on Facebook. Yet, the focus is on “me, me, me, what I am doing, where I am going, who…
Fresh Perspectives on Women in the Bible: Esther By Natalie Edwards
The sound of water flowing fills the palace. Trickling fountains. Incense burning. The smell of lavender lingers in the air. Shades of fine silk in purple, red and blue are laid out for the choosing. It’s a spa of the most luxurious sort and hundreds of women are preparing for their encounter with the king. Yet only one will be chosen queen of Persia and marry King Ahasuerus. Among the crowd of women to come before the king is Esther, our Bible character in this week’s Fresh Perspective on Women in The Bible. Does God value bold courage as a desired feminine quality too? Let's find out. Raised…
Christ Has Died. Christ Is Risen. Christ Will Come Again.
Christ Has Died. Christ Has Risen. Christ Will Come Again. These are the words I repeat with our community of Christ-followers each time we gather to observe communion. They have come to mean something endearing to me, more than ritual recitation. They echo what has happened, and they speak to what will happen. This Thursday my mind dwells on the last supper our Lord had with His disciples and the events that took place Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday so long ago. I grew up hearing the stories of faith from my family and another community of believers. Friday morning coffee brought the story of Jesus’ suffering. How He’d been…