• Engage

    Remember, Reflect, Resolve

    How does remembering the past embolden us for living in the present? First of all, as we are getting ready to celebrate the 238th year of America’s birthday, it a good time to remember all our nation was founded on, the sacrifices made to keep her free and the calling we have as Christians, as a free people, to honor God and represent Him well to the current living generations. Second, it helps to remember the sovereignty of God and all He has promised to His people, His children, through the ages. He WILL make His name known among the nations (Psalm 46:10) even when it seems other wise. The…

  • Engage

    The Plight of the Refugee

    You may be troubled as I have been when you see pictures and read stories of the Syrian refugees. What can one person do especially if you are so far removed geographically? What should our Christian response be to the plight of the refugee?  Susie Hawkins, who serves on the board of a global humanitarian aid organization, recently returned from visiting the Syrian refugees in the Middle East. Here are her observations and suggestions of what can be done. “ I sat uncomfortably, cross legged on a thin mattress, watching her intently. Her hijab was tightly in place framing her face, her robe flowing over her legs and feet. She…

  • Engage

    Immigrants Among Us – Praying for the Stranger

    Whatever your political opinion is of illegal aliens, immigrants or legal foreigners, the fact is there is an invitation in their presence. Let me explain what happened last Sunday. My husband was due back Sunday afternoon to DFW from Turkey via Frankfurt, Germany. While waiting for him at the International Terminal I observed the various groups of people arriving many obviously from other countries. Some had family or friends waiting for them; some connected to a person holding a sign with their name on it; some looked like they knew exactly where to go as if this is a repeated experience. Three Africans loaded with luggage approached the welcome visitors’…