
Credentials of Jesus as the Messiah through Fulfilled Prophecy

Below are many of the prophecies from the Old Testament and their corresponding fulfillment in the New Testament, hundreds if not thousands of years later, that clearly demonstrate that Jesus is the Savior of the World!

I have told you now before it happens, so that when it happens you may believe. (John 14:29 NET)
Concerning His birth
1Born of the seed of the woman from the bloodline of Adam as the Son of ManGenesis 3:15


Daniel 7:13,14

Galatians 4:4


Luke 3:38

John 5:26,27

Hebrews 1:6-8

Revelation 14:14

2Born of a virginIsaiah 7:14Matthew 1:18-25. Luke 1:26-35
3Descendant of AbrahamGenesis 22:15-18. Genesis 12:3J: Matthew 1:1 (3)


M: Luke 3:34 (3)

4Descendant of IsaacGenesis 21:12. Genesis 17:19J: Matthew 1:2


M: Luke 3:34

5Descendant of JacobNumbers 24:17J: Matthew 1:2


M: Luke 3:34

6Tribe of JudahGenesis 49:10J: Matthew 1:2


M: Luke 3:33

Revelation 5:5

7The family line of JesseIsaiah 11:1, 10J: Matthew 1:6


M: Luke 3:32 Romans 15:12

8Descendant of DavidJeremiah 23:5J: Matthew 1:6


M: Luke 3:31

9Born in Bethlehem (The Bread from Heaven, born in the city of Bread, John 6:51)Micah 5:2Luke 2:4-7


Matthew 2:1-6

10Worshipped by ShepherdsPsalms 72:9Luke 2:8-15
11Presented with giftsPsalms 72:10Matthew 2:1,11
12Herod kills the childrenJeremiah 31:15Matthew 2:16-18
13Escape to EgyptHosea 11:1Matthew 2:14,15
Concerning His nature
14He pre-existed creationMicah 5:21 Peter 1:20
15He shall be called LordPsalms 110:1Acts 2:36
16Called Immanuel (i.e., God with us)Isaiah 7:14Matthew 1:22-23
17ProphetDeuteronomy 18:15,18,19Acts 3:18-25
18PriestPsalms 110:4Hebrews 5:5-6
19JudgeIsaiah 33:22John 5:22-23
20KingPsalms 2:6John 18:33-37
21Anointed by the SpiritIsaiah 11:2Matthew 3:16-17
22His zeal for GodPsalms 69:9John 2:15-17
23Declared the Son of GodPsalms 2:7. Proverbs 30:4Luke 1:32,35. Matthew 3:17
Concerning His ministry
24Preceded by a messenger that would be similar to Elijah (i.e., John the Baptist)Isaiah 40:3. Malachi 3:1. Malachi 4:5,6Matthew 3:1-3. Luke 7:24,27. Matthew 11:13,14
25To begin in GalileeIsaiah 9:1-2Matthew 4:12-17
26Ministry of MiraclesIsaiah 35:5-6Matthew 9:35;11:4
27Teacher of parablesPsalms 78:1-4Matthew 13:34-35
28He was to enter the temple with authorityMalachi 3:1Matthew 21:10-12
29Entered Jerusalem on a donkeyZechariah 9:9Matthew 21:1-7. Mark 11:7-11
30Stone of stumbling to JewsIsaiah 28:16. Psalms 118:221 Peter 2:6-8
31Light to GentilesIsaiah 49:6Acts 13:46-48
32Adored by childrenPsalms 8:2Matthew 21:15,16
33Not believedIsaiah 53:1John 12:37,38
34Gave sight to the blindPsalms 146:8
Isaiah 42:6,7
Matthew 9:27-30
John 9:7;9:32-33;10:21
35Calmed the seas and led the Apostles to safetyPsalms 107:25-30John 6:16-21
36Wrote the names of apostates in the dirtJeremiah 17:13 ESV, HCSBJohn 8:2-11
The day Jesus was crucified
37Betrayed by a friendPsalms 41:9John 13:18-27
38Sold for 30 pieces of silverZechariah 11:12Matthew 26:14-15
3930 pieces thrown in TempleZechariah 11:13Matthew 27:3-5
4030 pieces buy Potter’s fieldZechariah 11:13Matthew 27:6-10
41Forsaken by His disciplesZechariah 13:7Mark 14:27,50
42Accused by false witnessesPsalms 35:11,20,21Matthew 26:59-61
43Silent before accusersIsaiah 53:7Matthew 27:12-14
44Wounded and bruisedIsaiah 53:4-61 Peter 2:21-25
45Beaten and spit uponIsaiah 50:6Matthew 26:67-68
46MockedPsalms 22:6-8Matthew 27:27-31
47Fell under the crossPsalms 109:24-25John 19:17; Luke 23:26
48Hands and feet piercedPsalms 22:16John 20:24-28
49Crucified with thievesIsaiah 53:12Matthew 27:38
50Prayed for and forgave His enemiesIsaiah 53:12Luke 23:34
51Rejected by His own peopleIsaiah 53:3. Isaiah 53:8-12


Isaiah 28:16. Psalms 118:22

John 1:11. John 19:14-15. Luke 23:18. Acts 4:11. 1 Peter 2:6-8
52Hated without causePsalms 69:4John 15:25
53Friends stood aloofPsalms 38:11Luke 22:54; 23:49
54People wag their headsPsalms 22:7;109:25Matthew 27:39
55People stared at HimPsalms 22:17Luke 23:35
56Cloths divided and gambled forPsalms 22:18John 19:23-24
57Became very thirstyPsalms 22:15John 19:28
58Gall and vinegar offered HimPsalms 69:21Matthew 27:34
59His forsaken cryPsalms 22:1Matthew 27:46
60Committed Himself to GodPsalms 31:5Luke 23:46
61Bones not brokenPsalms 34:20John 19:32-36
62Broken heartPsalms 69:20;22:14John 19:34
63His side piercedZechariah 12:10John 19:34,37
64Darkness over the landAmos 8:9Luke 23:44-45
65Buried in a rich man’s tombIsaiah 53:9Matthew 27:57-60
His Resurrection & Ascension
66Raised from the deadPsalms 16:8-11Acts 2:24-31
67Begotten as Son of GodPsalms 2:7Acts 13:32-35
68Ascended to GodPsalms 68:18Ephesians 4:8-10
69Seated beside GodPsalms 110:1Hebrews 1:3,13
70Sent the Holy SpiritIsaiah 44:3. Joel 2:28John 20:22. Acts 2:16,17

On Becoming a Disciple of Christ

(Security, Wholeness, Success)

Then he said to them, “Therefore every expert in the law who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his treasure what is new and old.” (Matthew 13:52 NET)

(1) Select the link to open another article with additional information in a new tab.

(2) See note (6) (1)

(3) J – Joseph, M – Mary

Hal has taught the Bible for over three decades. Through an interdenominational ministry dedicated to helping the local church build men for Jesus, Hal trained men, the leaders of men’s ministries, and provided pulpit supply. Before that, he was a Men’s Ministry Leader and an Adult Bible Fellowship teacher of a seventy-five-member class at a denominational megachurch. Presently, Hal desires to honor Jesus Christ through this Internet teaching ministry, thereby glorifying the Heavenly Father in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. He believes, second to cultivating his relationship with God, that raising his family unto the Lord is the most significant task for him while on Earth. Furthermore, Hal believes that being a successful leader in the church or workplace is no substitute for failing to be a successful leader at home. 

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