The Beautiful Attitudes – Part VI: Blessed are the Pure in Heart
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. (Matthew 5:8 NET)
The Beautiful Attitudes – Part V: Blessed are the Merciful
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. (Matthew 5:7)
The Beautiful Attitudes – Part IV: Blessed are those that Hunger and Thirst
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. (Matthew 5:6 NET) The Greek word for blessed (i.e., makarios) used here has the meaning of being fortunate, prosperous, or successful. That is, successful are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness! Why? Because they shall be satisfied! Satisfied with what? Righteousness, of course! What is righteousness? Glad you asked! Righteousness (1) is the spiritual condition of being found right with, acceptable to, or fully pleasing to God! Those who hunger and thirst to be found right with, acceptable to, or fully pleasing to God will find that hunger completely satisfied. The relevant question is, just how…
He Regrets Us
“But the Lord saw that the wickedness of humankind had become great on the earth. Every inclination of the thoughts of their minds was only evil all the time. The Lord REGRETTED that he had made humankind on the earth…. So the Lord said, ‘I will wipe humankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth – everything from humankind to animals, including creatures that move on the ground and birds of the air, for I REGRET that I have made them” (Genesis 6:5-7). “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so too it will be in the days of the Son of Man. People were…
The Beautiful Attitudes – Part III: Blessed are the Meek
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5 NET) The Greek word for blessed (i.e., makarios) means being fortunate, prosperous, or successful. That is, successful are those who are meek! Why? What is it to be meek? First of all, to be MEEK does NOT mean to be WEAK! Instead, meekness is strength under control. Picture a feral horse (i.e., a Mustang) that expends its great strength by running the fields yet accomplishes little to nothing in the way of work. However, if that same horse is “tamed,” “broken,” or “meeked,” then that same great strength – that is now under control – can be utilized…
The Beautiful Attitudes – Part II: Blessed are those who Mourn
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (Matthew 5:4 NET)
The Beautiful Attitudes – Part I: Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
How should we daily live in a world that seems to be teetering on the brink of destruction?
Rejection – Satan’s First Strategy for Your Destruction – Part III
While applying my mind to everything that happens in this world, I have seen all this: Sometimes one person dominates other people to their harm. (Ecclesiastes 8:9 NET)
Rejection – Satan’s First Strategy for Your Destruction – Part II
Rejection is an act of throwing away or discarding someone or something. This innately implies a lack of value. We begin to feel that we have no value as we experience an overwhelming sense of worthlessness, of being swept aside. Perhaps most significantly, rejection is the act of being denied love. We feel unwanted and unwelcome!
Rejection – Satan’s First Strategy for Your Destruction – Part I
We were made to discover our identities through affirmation; however, many of us did not. Therefore, unless we are healed from this lack of affirmation (i.e., rejection) we will never be able to fulfill our God-ordained destinies. Consequently, we must seek for God to heal us from rejection so that we will become whole people that fulfill our God-given Destinies.