The Null Opportunity
The preceding blogs on the Ten Commandments (1) have precisely articulated how God expects us to live; nevertheless, we have as individuals and as a nation have primarily chosen to say “no thanks” to God’s offer of rescue from the bondage of sin, its destruction in our lives while on Earth, and its promise of eternal death after we die thus identifying with the Biblical definition of a fool (Psalms 14:1). Nevertheless, God so loved the world, even in its deplorable fallen state, so much that He sent His unique son to provide a way back to Himself (John 3:16,17. Romans 5:8. 1 Corinthians 15:3,4. Ezekiel 18:31,32. Ezekiel 11:19,20). However,…
The First Opportunity
The First Commandment states that we are not to have any God other than the one true God (Exodus 20:3). You may say that you have not violated this commandment for you believe that Jesus Christ is God. Well, so do the demons, and they tremble in fear of Him (James 2:19. Acts 19:15).
The Second Opportunity
The Second Commandment states that we are not to make, bow to or serve images created to represent God (i.e., an idol) (Exodus 20:4-6). You may say that you did not violate this commandment, for you have no images that you worship.
The Third Opportunity
The Third Commandment states that we are not to use the name of the Lord in vain (Exodus 20:7). To use the Lord’s name in vain is to use it flippantly (i.e., to take it lightly without thinking), profanely (i.e., to treat God whose name is holy with irreverence), or deceitfully (i.e., to be dishonest in invoking the name of God).
The Fourth Opportunity
The Fourth Commandment states that we are to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy (Exodus 20:8-11). To keep something holy simply means to set it apart (Leviticus 20:26). That is, on the Sabbath, we are to cease from the things that we do the other six days of the week and rather do things that bring glory and honor to God (Ezekiel 20:12). So, have you set apart one day of the week where you cease doing your normal routines and rather spend time honoring God? If you cannot say “Amen”, Say “Oh, Me!”
The Fifth Opportunity
The Fifth Commandment states that we honor our father and mother so that our days may live long in the land that God has given us (Exodus 20:12). This is the first of God’s commandments to contain a promise (Ephesians 6:2,3). To “honor” in the original Hebrew language includes the qualities of love, affection, gratitude, obedience, and respect. Through honoring our parents, we first learn to honor all that are in authority over us. If children do not learn to honor their parents, then they will likely not honor any in authority. Are you ensuring that your children honor their parents so that they will grow up honoring the law of…
The Sixth Opportunity
The Sixth Commandment states that we are not to murder (Exodus 20:13). To murder is the intentional killing of a human being under the wrong motives and circumstances, which includes taking your own life (i.e., suicide) or that of a baby while in the mother (i.e., abortion anytime after conception (1)). This does not include the killing of humans in self-defense, national defense (e.g., war), capital punishment (Genesis 9:6), or unintentional killing of a human (Numbers 35:11). Furthermore, it does not include the killing of animals for food or clothing, etc. While many of us would say that we have never committed murder, nevertheless, the Bible states that if you…
The Seventh Opportunity
The Seventh Commandment states that we are not to commit adultery (Exodus 20:14). When God made the first man Adam He saw that it was not good for him to be without a companion (1) (Genesis 2:18). However, no animal was worthy to be called the helpmate or wife of the man (Genesis 2:20). Therefore, God put the first man Adam to sleep and from his side took cells from which he made a woman, and Adam named her Eve (Genesis 2:21-23. Genesis 3:20). This is the pattern for the nuclear family on Earth – one male and one female united for life (Genesis 2:24). Not two males or two…
The Eighth Opportunity
The Eighth Commandment states that we are not to steal (Exodus 20:15). You may say I have not robbed a bank or held someone up; therefore, I am not guilty of breaking this commandment. Have you ever misrepresented your time on a timesheet, taken supplies from work, cheated on your taxes, not reported being undercharged, or published someone’s works without attribution (i.e., committed plagiarism), etc.? (1 Peter 4:15) If You cannot say “Amen,” say “Oh Me!”
The Ninth Opportunity
The Ninth Commandment states that we are not to lie (Exodus 20:16). Lying is one of the six things that God hates (Proverbs 6:16-19. Proverbs 12:22). To lie is to NOT speak the truth, typically with the intent to deceive. This includes slander, which is the spreading of false reports to destroy the reputation of others; gossip, which is the spreading of reports of things not validated to be true (i.e., rumors); perjury which is the swearing of an oath to things that are not true, exaggeration which is stretching the truth typically due to PRIDE and being hypocritical which is living a life that is a lie (1 John…