
The Third Opportunity

The Third Commandment states that we are not to use the name of the Lord in vain (Exodus 20:7). To use the Lord’s name in vain is to use it flippantly (i.e., to take it lightly without thinking), profanely (i.e., to treat God whose name is holy with irreverence), or deceitfully (i.e., to be dishonest in invoking the name of God).

For example, a trendy saying today is the seemingly innocent expression “Oh My God” (OMG), which is said by many without realizing they are flippantly (i.e., vainly) using God’s name. Others ask God to condemn or damn something by using the infamous GD combination, thus profaning His name (more on why this is so egregious later in this article). Furthermore, others praise God while in church on Sunday but then live the rest of the week hedonistically, thus deceitfully (and hypocritically (1)) using the name of God! (Isaiah 52:5. Romans 2:24) In addition, using the name of God to call on supernatural powers that have nothing to do with Him is also deceitfully using the name of God in vain. So, have you ever used the Lord’s name in vain? If You Can’t Say Amen, Say Oh Me!

Flippant use of God’s Name in Vain

As a young boy, while hanging out on the back porch of our house with my Dad, I remember that I exclaimed that something was awesome!

You would be correct in realizing that awesome was not an expression in use in those days; however, I have always lived ahead of the times – perhaps to a fault!

My Father began to “coach” me concerning reserving certain words for use in describing God and His works.  That is, certain words should be set apart (i.e., be treated as holy) for use in our description of God and talking with Him and not made common by everyday use (Psalms 111:9). Think about it; just about everything today can be considered awesome except for God! Consequently, God seems small (1), and all our problems seem large.

Thanks for the wisdom, Dad! (2)

Profane Use of God’s Name in Vain

In the Lord of the Rings Movie “The Fellowship of the Ring,” Gandalf quotes the words of the evil Lord Sauron (a type of Satan) with the result that it hurt the ears of the leader of the elves Elrond and shook their peaceful abode. This is because Sauron only lived to kill, steal, and destroy.

Similarly, I feel this hurt when others around me use the GD combo of words. Why? Because God is the only one with authority to condemn someone to Hell (Luke 12:5. Revelations 20:11-15); however, He is the very one that set out to save the world and not to condemn it (John 3:16,17). His words are full of spiritual life, not death (John 6:63). This GD combo of words was authored by Satan (1), the thief who lives to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). Satan tirelessly asks God to condemn mankind (Satan means accuser of the brethren Zechariah 3:1. Job 1:6-11. Revelation 12:10). So when someone uses the GD combo, they join Satan’s petition to condemn mankind, which is why it is so egregious! Furthermore, any use of cursing, dirty jokes, derogatory name-calling, etc., by those claiming to be Christians (meaning little Christ’s Acts 11:26) is a profane use of His name (Ephesians 4:29;5:4).

Deceitful use of God’s Name in Vain

Say you have a need in your life and pray to God in His name (1) to meet that need according to the promises (1) of the Bible. However, rather than standing in faith (1), you continue to worry (i.e., instead of being a prayer warrior, you are a prayer worry-er!) and end up attempting to solve the problem within your own ability. Perhaps even working seven days a week (1), stealing (1), or lying (1) on taxes to obtain more money. 

Consequently, you will have asked God to meet your needs but then deceitfully and hypocritically turned to Satan (by violating God’s laws just like Adam and Eve (1) in eating the forbidden fruit) to supply them! Realize, Satan is like a loan shark in that whatever he promises you will take you farther than you want to go, cost you more than you want to pay, and keep you longer than you want to stay! Think of those that turn to Satan for happiness through drugs and see that this statement is true.

Furthermore, using the name of God to call on supernatural powers that have nothing to do with Him is another deceitful use of God’s name in vain (Matthew 24:4,5. Luke 21:8. ).

The Law of Consequence for Violating the Commandment

We are held accountable for the words we speak, including the use of the name of God (Matthew 12:36,37). Furthermore, we can use our voice to bless others with life or curse them with death (Proverbs 18:21). Nevertheless, we always reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7. Job 4:8. Hosea 8:7). If you sow words of cursing, you will reap death (e.g., the death of relationships, death of a career, sickness ultimately leading to physical death, etc.) (James 3:6).

Realize, we are what we speak even more than what we eat (Proverbs 13:2. Proverbs 18:20)! That is why we are not to speak words that tear others down, such as “curse” words, dirty jokes, or calling others derogatory names, etc. (Ephesians 5:4). Rather we are to speak “blessing” words full of grace (3) that build-up, coach, and motivate others (Ephesians 4:29. Colossians 4:6. James 3:13. 1 Peter 1:15).

Furthermore, we are not to talk incessantly, saying nothing (Proverbs 10:19., Proverbs 13:3. Proverbs 15:14. Ecclesiastes 5:3. Matthew 12:36. Proverbs 17:27. 1 Timothy 6:20 ). While through willpower, we may fake that we only speak words of blessing; nevertheless, when we are emotionally distraught, what we have in our spiritual heart will come out of our mouths (Luke 6:45). Certainly, use willpower for the immediate fix of not using inappropriate speech; however, realize that long term correction requires you to change what you are thinking about because it is what you think about that goes into your spiritual heart (1) and ultimately out of your mouth (Philippians 4:8. Matthew 15:19).

The Opportunity of Blessing for Keeping the Commandment

Again, if we speak words of blessing to God and others, we will reap life (John 17:3) (Greek transliterated word for this type of life is “Zoe,” pronounced zo-a and it means the life that God has!). Through our words, we can turn the course of our life from one of being cursed to one of being blessed (James 3:2-5). However, if we have been sowing words of cursing for many years, then realize the path of our life will not change in one day. Nevertheless, the change can start today by speaking words to invite the giver of life – the Lord Jesus Christ (1) – into your life (Romans 10:9-13). You can then continue the transformation by living a life of love (1) and gratitude (1) with the motive of bringing glory to God (1), including bringing glory to His great name! (Psalm 29:1,2). Nevertheless, if we refuse the grace, mercy, and compassion of God given through Jesus Christ, then the only thing remaining is wrath (1) (John 3:18-21).

The Ten Commandments Series:

(Security, Wholeness, Success)

Then he said to them, “Therefore every expert in the law who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his treasure what is new and old.” (Matthew 13:52 NET)

(1) Select the link to open another article with additional information in a new tab.

(2) This blog is dedicated to the Rev. Jim Warren (December 9, 1934 – February 11, 2018) that retired in 2012 from being a church pastor at the age of 77 years. He entered the pastorate ministry at the age of 35 and was faithfully married to Faye Warren (March 27, 1938 – August 23, 2016) for 61 years, raised four children, and lived a scandal-free life. Thanks for the great example of being a man of God! He taught me to reserve certain words (e.g., awesome) only for describing God. May my life bring honor to God’s name and to your name.

(3) Grace – God’s freely given favor and unconditional acceptance available to all based on the completed work of Jesus Christ (1) in His death (1), burial and resurrection (1) to pay the price to set us free from sin. It is because we have this grace that makes it possible for us to receive God’s mercy (Hebrews 4:16). Mercy – God’s ability to make whatever is wrong – right, broken – mended; hurting – healed. That is, the mercy of God is God Himself entering into whatever situation you are in to restore, heal, set free, and make whole (Luke 4:18. Psalms 23).

Hal has taught the Bible for over three decades. Through an interdenominational ministry dedicated to helping the local church build men for Jesus, Hal trained men, the leaders of men’s ministries, and provided pulpit supply. Before that, he was a Men’s Ministry Leader and an Adult Bible Fellowship teacher of a seventy-five-member class at a denominational megachurch. Presently, Hal desires to honor Jesus Christ through this Internet teaching ministry, thereby glorifying the Heavenly Father in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. He believes, second to cultivating his relationship with God, that raising his family unto the Lord is the most significant task for him while on Earth. Furthermore, Hal believes that being a successful leader in the church or workplace is no substitute for failing to be a successful leader at home. 

One Comment

  • rosie johnson

    Hi, great post!! I was

    Hi, great post!! I was thinking i was watching a tv show where it was really emotional (it was factual) the mother had been reunited with long lost daughter and so she said oh my god, is this bad?? as it in vain? throughout the show when they were in high emotion and crying and sad they said oh my god, or they said it when they have recieved shocking news, is this still saying it in vain?

    Thanks for your help i am just thinking if i should stop watching this show but i am not sure if its in vain or not… yet i don't think they are christians so perhaps its hypocritical like u said?