Phase IV: God’s Tractor Pull!
Tractor pulling is a motorsport race where modified tractors pull a heavy sled along a track. The friction and resulting resistance to being pulled by the sled vary from minimal at the starting line and increases until the tractor can no longer pull it. The winner is the tractor that can pull the sled the farthest!
He Regrets Us
“But the Lord saw that the wickedness of humankind had become great on the earth. Every inclination of the thoughts of their minds was only evil all the time. The Lord REGRETTED that he had made humankind on the earth…. So the Lord said, ‘I will wipe humankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth – everything from humankind to animals, including creatures that move on the ground and birds of the air, for I REGRET that I have made them” (Genesis 6:5-7). “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so too it will be in the days of the Son of Man. People were…
Insightful Things Ignorant People Said
Insight: to apprehend the true nature of a thing Ignorance: lacking in knowledge or information; unaware Holy Week is just two weeks away and our thoughts are turning toward the passion of Christ. In preparation for that season, I usually read through the gospels, seeking fresh insights and trying to step into the story. There is no missing the drama and high emotion of that week before Jesus’ death and like most believers, it never fails to touch my heart. The gospel writers’ accounts of the last days and hours of Jesus’ life recall the ominous tension that filled Jerusalem that week before Passover. At least three players…
What A Friend We Have in Jesus!
In a recent blogpost titled, “Jesus will never unfriend you,” Pastor Patrick Thurmer explores the theme of the Son being the “friend of sinners” (see Matt 11:19; Luke 7:34). As the author notes, based on 1 Timothy 1:15, Jesus left the glories of heaven to offer Himself on the Cross as an atoning sacrifice. His intent was to make salvation freely available to eternally condemned “sinners.” Pastor Thurmer draws attention to Facebook, where individuals one barely knows can either be “friended” or “unfriended” with the click of an on-screen button. In sharp contrast to this languid and watered-down notion of “friendship” popularized on social media, Jesus’ commitment to redeem…
Truth: Does it Blind or Break?
Leadership is broken because leaders are unbroken As long as truth is theory it blinds. As soon as truth becomes real it breaks. This is something I’ve learned across the years of my life. When I first graduated from seminary, I knew much truth. I could answer nearly every question in some way, often with biblical support. What I could not see was what I did not know. I still can’t, but I’m better at seeing some of my blind spots than I used to be… Every once in a while in my teaching preparation, I go back to an old file and review previous work on a particular passage.…
Ash Wednesday – what questions should I ask?
Today is Ash Wednesday…what is it and should I participate? This day of repentance, which for many in the Western church marks the beginning of Lent, the 40-day period of fasting before Easter following the example of our Lord who spent 40 days in the desert to fast and pray (Matthew 4:1-11). It is also known as the “Day of Ashes,” so called because on that day at church the faithful have their foreheads marked with ashes in the shape of a cross. In the Old Testament ashes were used for two purposes: as a sign of humility and mortality and as a sign of sorrow and repentance for…