Help Those New to the Bible
Are you discipling a new Christian? Do you have women in your small group that are new to the Bible? As a leader, do you ask if anyone in your small group is new to the Bible? What do you do if they are? Do you assume that new Christians or those new to the Bible will catch up by just being in your group? That is a bad assumption?! In this article, I will share with you some insights I have picked up about helping those new to the Bible. The Dilemma I recently heard a new Christian woman say, “I just get lost in our small group Bible…
You Can Know Your Father God
Did you know that your God wants you to really know Him? He wants you to know who He is, His character, and how He relates to you as a human. He wants you to know Him as your Father who loves you dearly. When you know Him, it is much easier to trust Him in whatever He chooses to do on your behalf. Isn’t that true for anyone you need to trust? God Wants You to Know Him What is God like? How does anyone get to know the true God, not all the substitute gods out there, but the God of the Bible? The God of the Bible…
Are You Ready for Perseverance in Your Life?
Is something going on somewhere in your country, town, neighborhood, or family that has someone upset, nervous, or in panic mode? It might even be even you! Cancer. Disaster. Job loss. Death. Enemy attack. If you like to plan and control your environment so that your loved ones (and yourself) can rest, relax, and be productive, these interruptions to life are very hard to bear. What do you do? Do you try to escape to something that makes it go away for a while—a feel-good movie, book, or a retreat? But then you get back to the rough-and-tumble of real life and find that whatever is stressing you is still…
How to View Work as Worship—Not a Curse
Work in any culture is…well, work. Sometimes enjoyable. Often hard and exhausting. Sometimes challenging because of the people with whom you work rather than the work itself. That can apply to any kind of work—inside or outside of your home. When you are working with your God-given skills, all work can be an act of worship. This article will illustrate that truth for you. Not knowing that truth makes you susceptible to the “Work Is Secular” infection. The Subtle Spread of the “Work Is Secular” Infection What do I mean by that? Somewhere along the way between the time of the apostles and today, the message regarding work has gotten…
Luke 2:14—Peace on Earth to Those with Whom God Is Pleased
“Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” Those are the words the collection of angels declared to a band of shepherds. Their words filled the night sky right after an angel of the Lord announced to those shepherds about the birth of Jesus who was “the Savior…Christ the Lord.” The Grand Birth Announcement Listen carefully An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were absolutely terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid! Listen carefully, for I proclaim to you good news that brings great joy to all the people: Today your Savior…
How to Choose a Bible Study for a Group
Are you thinking ahead and wondering what study to do next with your Bible study group? Maybe you are praying about starting a Bible study group and need to know where to begin. Choosing a quality Bible study guide for your group can make your experience either a great one or a frustrating one. This is especially true if you are leading the lessons. In this post, I will share with you some valuable suggestions for choosing a Bible study workbook for your group. Start with Prayer Ask Jesus to help you to choose a quality Bible study for your group. Depend on Him to show you what to do.…
Yes, You Can Lead a Bible Study
Do you want to do a Bible study and would rather do it in community with other women rather than by yourself? Maybe you do not think you know enough of the Bible to do so. Does the thought of directing a discussion make your knees tremble? What if someone talks too much or not at all? Be assured that everyone feels inadequate when they start out. You are not alone. I have been where you are. Thankfully, Jesus took me beyond my insecurities. In this post, I will assure you that Jesus will do the same for you. Now may be the time to step out in faith and…
God is BIGGER than your fears
You know that feeling. The pit in your stomach, pounding of your heart, and rush of your thoughts as you go from just the possibility of a job loss to being homeless on the streets all in a matter of seconds. Gripped by fear, although an imagined one. As I heard Jill Briscoe once say, “Women are a fear-driven, performance-oriented species.” Just catching the news during a day reminds me just how much fear is an ever-present emotion with me and with most women—real fears as well as imagined ones. Is it realistic to think we can live without fear? No! God knows this about us. When we are afraid,…
Casting the Vision for Lifestyle Disciplemaking
It happens over time in large and small Bible studies. Women are excited to study God’s Word. But as their knowledge accumulates, the next thing you know they are being snippy about the study questions or whose group they are in or the table decorations. I have seen it happen among godly women in very successful Bible studies. I call it restlessness because we easily get stuck in discipleship and forget our purpose for disciplemaking. I believe that is from Jesus calling us back to our purpose. This post will cast the vision for you to answer the call from the Lord and leap into lifestyle disciplemaking. Jesus followers become…
Stop the “It’s MY Ministry” Mentality
Do you have women who have started ministries in the church and insist they keep going regardless of effectiveness? Has your ministry team been event-driven with one person overseeing Bible studies, another the retreat, & another the Christmas brunch with complete authority in each? If you are a church leader and suggest that some things need to be changed, do they balk at that? We can get so attached to what we want to see happen that we dig in our feet and take on the “it is MY ministry” mentality. Even something good can take our focus off of what is best. Every local church belongs to Jesus Christ…