The Feasts of Israel – The Day of Atonement(s) (Yom Kippur)
These are the Lord’s appointed times, holy assemblies, which you must proclaim at their appointed time. (Leviticus 23:4 NET)
Part XVIII The Lord of the Scroll – Daniel’s 70th Week (KA, GWTJ, and Ages of the Ages (AoA) (Revisited)
Revelation Chapters 21 through 22
Part XVII: The Lord of the Scroll – Daniel’s 70th Week (DOM, Cleansing the Temple (CT), The Kingdom Age (KA), Great White Throne Judgment (GWTJ) Revisited)
Revelation Chapters 19 through 20
Part XVI: The Lord of the Scroll – Daniel’s 70th Week (BBP, GTrib, DOL, The Days of Mourning (DOM) Revisited)
Revelation Chapters 15 through 18
Part XV: The Lord of the Scroll – Daniel’s 70th Week (GTrib and DOL Revisited)
Revelation Chapters 12 through 14
Part XIV: The Lord of the Scroll – Daniel’s 70th Week (The Day of the Lord (DOL))
Revelation Chapters 8 thru 11 Now on the topic of times and seasons, brothers and sisters, you have no need for anything to be written to you. For you know quite well that the day of the Lord will come in the same way as a thief in the night.
Part XIII: The Lord of the Scroll – Daniel’s 70th Week (The Great Tribulation (GTrib))
Revelation Chapters 6:7 thru 7 Very few details are given about the first three and one-half years referred to by Jesus as “The Beginning of Birth Pains.” However, once the Antichrist commits the abomination of desolation, the details of the last three and a half years become extensive.
Part XII: The Lord of the Scroll – Daniel’s 70th Week (The Beginning of Birth Pains (BBP))
Revelation Chapter 6:1 thru 6:6 What is the “Tribulation Period?“ One of the most frequently used terms concerning future events and the church’s Rapture is “tribulation.” This, in turn, leads to a discussion of the Great Tribulation, its significance, and its duration.
Part XI: The Lord of the Scroll – Daniel’s 70th Week (God’s Throne Room)
Revelation Chapters 4 through 5 After receiving the prophetic messages to the seven congregations, the scene moves from Earth to Heaven, where John sees a door open. Speaking in apocalyptic language, this is not a literal door but a prophetic door of revelation.
Part X: The Lord of the Scroll – When will the King of Kings Return?
One of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity is that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, will one day return, gather those alive on Earth that truly believe in Him (i.e., His Church), and then move them to be with Him forever!