• Wimpy, Weak, and Woke by John L. Cooper

    Wimpy, Weak, and Woke (Book Review)

    “We think that for a general about to fight an enemy, it is important to know an enemy’s numbers, but still more important to know the enemy’s philosophy” (G.K. Chesterton).[1] Imagine living in a world of chaos, complete irrationality, and histrionics, a world where reason, history, and reality do not exist or no longer matter. Imagine living in a world where people who claim to be “oppressed” and “powerless” can riot in the streets with impunity and use their “marginalized”[2] status to get you fired or charged with hate crimes and dragged through court for years. Wait, we do not need to imagine this. Ever wonder what the heck[3] is…

  • Engage

    HBO’s Chernobyl: Socialism’s Epic Fail is Summer’s Best Viewing

    And holds profound lessons for 2020 During these dog days of summer, HBO is offering one week free access—just enough to watch the blockbuster 5-part series (if you didn't see it in May) on the 1986 nuclear plant disaster that spread radiation all across Europe. Extremely well-written, terrific acting and an uncanny replication of 1986 Soviet Union, according to my husband who has taught theology there many times. And, It. Is. Riveting.   The series begins with Valery Legasov, First Deputy Director of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, recording tapes he will secretly pass on to his fellow scientists. As the lead scientist on the committee to investigate the disaster,…

  • Bomb explodes in Munich

    The Problem With Heart Bombs

    In August 2012, a construction crew in Munich, Germany discovered an unexploded bomb from WWII. Munitions experts weren’t able to defuse it, so they evacuated 3000 residents and detonated the 550-pound bomb. This was just one of tens of thousands of unexploded bombs that were dropped over Germany during the war and eventually buried, all of them posing a threat. When construction crews start building, they need to identify buried bombs and deal with them before they explode and cause all kinds of chaos, havoc and pain. The problem, you see, is that bombs don’t go away. They go off. And that’s why it’s a good idea to cooperate with…

  • Engage

    To Tell the Truth: Integrity and Social Media

    The United States has just past through a particularly contentious news cycle. What about in your country? Are people working out problems or are they viciously debating issues and name calling? I wrote this post several years ago, but its message still seems necessary today: Are you like me? Controlling my words is an area where I have to be vigilant. Lately negative social media posts are on the upswing, and lies and exaggerations are not uncommon. The “share” button is another potential pitfall. I am convinced that words matter—whether spoken or written. Psalm 34:12-14(NET) challenges me: Do you want to really live?  Would you love to live a long, happy…

  • Heartprints

    Taking Thoughts Captive and How to Teach it

    Thoughts are a part of life. They happen. We can’t control when or what thought might pop into our minds. There seem to be as many thoughts that come from outside us as those that begin within. It is no different for our children. From the earliest age of forming thoughts, outside forces impose images in our minds that provoke an emotional response. Imagination is a wonderful gift for without it we could not begin to relate to the God we cannot see or touch.  Sadly, in a fallen broken world our imagination can be an instrument used to overwhelm us. I compare my thoughts to a massive school of…

  • Heartprints


    I was recently given a list of 301 things I am in Christ. I was blown away by all the things God says about those who follow Him. Then I was reading Lysa TerKeurst’s Blog. She mentioned her favorite gift from a friend was a box of Scriptures typed out with her name in them, things that God has done for each believer. It got me to thinking about many people I know both young and old who suffer from identity theft. I am not talking about the financial kind either. Spiritual identity theft! Satan attacks daily beating down the most vulnerable with his lies about who we are. If…

  • Heartprints

    Living Life in Light of the Lies, What’s a Parent to Do with this Election?

      When my niece was about three years old, my sister and I took her and her older sister and my daughter and their grandma on a shopping trip to a discount jewelry/purse store. This place is like Fort Knox with security. You’re watched on monitors, the door has an alarm as do all the purses and some of the jewelry items. There is even an armed guard at the door. The sales force follows you like you are already a convicted felon, but, they have great jewelry at great prices so we continue to shop there. Being the curious person I am, I have often wondered what would happen…

  • Engage

    Lies We Tell Our Children

    I feel very reluctant to write about any parenting issue, because I was and am such an incredibly flawed parent. Nevertheless, I have learned things over the years that I am trying to put into practice during what remains of my parenting years. I’d like to share some of those things with you in the hope that you may find a glimmer of something practical that you could incorporate into your parenting. It goes without saying that building into our kids spiritually is one of the biggest jobs we have as parents and perhaps one area where we may feel unsure. I’m not going to address that important area directly,…

  • Engage

    You Can’t Handle the Truth!

    Echoing from the movie courtroom this bold assertion, “You can’t handle the truth” resonates beyond that stirring scene.  Between accusations going viral on social media and salacious reports many years old about those we have admired how does one even determine what is true. Add to the confusion that Satan is the "Father of Lies."  In today’s generation, doubt exists that such a thing is possible. So where can “true truth” be found?    Leaders and media filter information and between edits and photo-shop, determining fact and accuracy becomes increasingly difficult.  Often that filter conforms to the assertion above that “we” can’t handle the truth. Dictionary.com offers this definition of…