• Keeping a Gratitude Journal

    Keeping A Gratitude Journal

    Some years ago Dr. Billy Graham was a guest on Oprah. I will never forget his answer to her question, “What are you most thankful for?” He said, “Salvation given to us in Jesus Christ . . . and the way you have made people all over this country aware of the power of being grateful.” I loved that he took advantage of the platform to share the core of the gospel message, but also that he honored Oprah for making a difference in the culture by stressing gratitude the way she has. Millions of people have discovered the power of keeping a gratitude journal because of Oprah’s testimony of…

  • Engage

    Spiritual Plagiarism: How We Steal God’s Glory

    I never cheated in school. I was always too afraid. Afraid of a big scarlet "F" on top my paper. Afraid of an ominous visit to the principal’s office. Afraid of the terrible consequences listed in the class syllabus. But lately I'm learning that plagiarism isn't confined to the English classroom or the inventor’s office—it threatens our spiritual life too. In his book Prayer, Tim Keller summarizes the essence of sin as failing to glorify and thank God (Romans 1:18-21). He explains: Think about plagiarism for a moment. Why is plagiarism taken so seriously? It is claiming that you came up with an idea yourself when you did not. It…

  • Heartprints

    5 Ways to Encourage Gratitude in Your Family

    Johnny Henry Jowett, a well-known pastor from the late 1800’s, said: “Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road.” I’ve never doubted the importance of gratitude. Many studies done in recent years back this up. Wall Street Journal, for example, referenced a study done among teens showing that those with higher amounts of gratitude also had higher grades, less depression, less envy, and a healthier outlook on life. Yet, sometimes I’ve failed to see the full value. Even worse are those…

  • Engage

    Looking for Happiness today?

    Just yesterday I learned that science now affirms two key ingredients that lead to greater happiness: gratitude and kindness.  My granddaughter shared these insights with me from her current college studies in psychology.  Interestingly the class reviewed scientific experiments that demonstrate the accuracy of those contentions. Additionally, it has been demonstrated as well that verbal expressions of gratitude, actually saying the words aloud, multiply the impact of thankfulness. Our conversation leads me to reflect as we celebrate today, Memorial Day. Established following the brutal Civil War, Memorial Day honors the lives sacrificed for our freedom. Since the Civil War, Americans have given their lives serving in the Spanish-American War, World…

  • Heartprints

    5 Things to be Thankful for in 2014

    Have you read the news lately?  The United States is in big trouble and everything from the economy to our schools to our healthcare is falling apart and within in the next couple of years we are basically going to turn in to a ravaged 3rd world country.  I hear and read a lot of doom and gloom in the news and if I let it I would live an unhappy, paranoid and worried life.  Instead I’m making a choice to take an inventory of the blessings in my life and instead of focusing on the world and its problems; I’m focusing on God’s faithfulness that often appears to be…

  • Engage

    A Thanksgiving Dare

    Did you know that thanksgiving is another definition for the word Eucharist.  The meal we consume this Thursday can be a gathering that reflects Eucharist living.  Ann Voscamp’s book, One Thousand Gifts, explores in poetic prose the power of this simple and biblical concept, gratitude.  Ann discovered the pattern of thanksgiving that runs throughout the scripture.  Not just the challenge to “in everything give thanks” (I Thess. 5:18) but how thanksgiving to God is exampled by so many biblical characters as well by the Jesus himself.  Then a friend challenged Ann with a dare, “Could I write a list of 1000 things that I love. To name 1000 blessings—1000 gifts,…

  • Heartprints


    Several years ago our pastor gave a series of messages on the Names of God.  To this day, that particular series has been one of my favorites and has touched my heart and has deepened my relationship and understanding of who God is, His attributes, and His character.  As we go into this holiday season, I am reminded and thankful to Almighty God for… He is Jehovah…God is my LORD.  To Him I am thankful.  (Exodus 3:10-15) He is my Elohim…God is my Creator and ruler over all.  To Him I am thankful.  (Exodus 3:14-15; 12:12, Psalm 121:1-3) He is my El Shaddai…God is Almighty and the Sufficient One.  To Him I am thankful.  (Genesis 17:1-8; Psalm…

  • Engage

    Learning From Brother Lawrence – A Simple 17th Century Monk

    Jesus knew – he understood how they were feeling – their doubts, their confusion…the abrupt ending of his life then his resurrection, then his last words…he knew their hearts. He spoke to their fears. How would it be once He was gone? What would they do? How would they manage?  Before Jesus ascended into heaven he told those present- his disciples:     “I am with you always to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). Highlighted later in the New Testament the write of Hebrews offers of God, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Jesus prepared the disciples ahead when He promised to…

  • Engage

    Totally Busted

    I hate it when appliances stop working. They burst, explode or refuse to function. It makes me happy to think that everything that makes my life convenient will do its job. Yet, when a major appliance like my hot water heater starts spewing water everywhere, I reach a moment of crisis. I fall apart when things seem out of control. And honestly, God has decided to teach me amidst my broken appliances. For example, my oven heats up but then shuts off in the middle of baking. I think it likes it when I plead with it to stay on. Then my clothes dryer, it died a few months ago.…

  • Impact

    Offering Time at The Rose of Sharon Church, Ktado, Kabwe, Zambia

    She could hardly move, the bent over elderly woman whose hip had thrust its way so out of joint that she needed a cane to walk.  Even then she could only inch her way forward. It was offering time at the Rose of Sharon Church in Kabwe, Zambia; the band was playing as the singers told of Elijah and the coming of salvation and how Jehovah saves. The offering basket is not passed among the people in most African churches. Instead they stream forward to put their contributions in at the front of the church, and that’s the way it is at the Rose of Sharon Church…