We Worship What We Value Most
Worship. This is a word we do not think about much and therefore do not tend to have a grasp on its meaning and significance, but we live it out every day. Unfortunately, our object of worship is earthly. However, I like the following definition: “Worship. The act of adoring and praising God, that is, ascribing worth to God as the one who deserves homage and service”[1] This definition reveals who the object of our worship should be. Let’s break that definition down to discover the meaning and significance of worship. Worship is the act of adoring and praising God, that is, ascribing worth to God. Worship runs throughout the…
Predator Thoughts
But suddenly there appear these huge shark-like thoughts that have been inserted by the enemy of my soul. Thoughts of shame and worthlessness, reminders of failures and past sins.
This Is Not What I Ordered!
I read a story a few weeks ago about a couple who went to a fancy restaurant that served their dinner on plates covered with shiny domes. When the covers were lifted, the exact dinners they had ordered were revealed. The author went on to say what we get on our plates of life may be different than what we ordered and maybe something we didn’t want![1] I thought some examples of perceived wrong orders could arrive as difficult relationships with family/friends/work, challenges in health, struggles with finances, changes in locations, or places of service. The story prompted me to ponder what my plate of life looks like that God…
Clearing Our Vision
This past summer I had cataract surgery on both of my eyes. For years my eye appointments have revealed small cataracts growing ever so slowly, but finally they reached the point that they needed to come out. Immediately after the first surgery, I saw the world not only more clearly, but also more vividly. I was in awe of the beauty of the blues, reds, yellows and greens all around me. Just glancing into my back yard made me stop in awe of the beauty of nature. I was overwhelmed by simply walking into my closet and noticing how bold the colors of our clothes were. The world became even…
Creating Space When Your Season Feels Too Full
Life only gets busier. People told me that in seminary. Moms said that to me in the newborn stage. I knew it was coming in the pre-k years. Now it’s here. With three young and growing kids, I spend my days running from one thing to the next. I struggle to create space for my soul to rest and reconnect with the Lord. So I’m getting creative. It’s a work in progress to be sure. But I know I need space. Here are five ways I’m creating it in a hectic season. Get up early. I know this one isn’t for everyone. If your children wake up at 6am or…
How to View Work as Worship—Not a Curse
Work in any culture is…well, work. Sometimes enjoyable. Often hard and exhausting. Sometimes challenging because of the people with whom you work rather than the work itself. That can apply to any kind of work—inside or outside of your home. When you are working with your God-given skills, all work can be an act of worship. This article will illustrate that truth for you. Not knowing that truth makes you susceptible to the “Work Is Secular” infection. The Subtle Spread of the “Work Is Secular” Infection What do I mean by that? Somewhere along the way between the time of the apostles and today, the message regarding work has gotten…
The Treasure We Give Back
All of us have something we value above all else. Something we can’t live without. Something that gives us a sense of importance or hope. What can we learn from a woman labeled with capital SHAME who relinquished the treasure she was saving?
Come Let Us Worship and Bow Down
Do you remember the popularity of what became known as the Jabez Prayer? This prayer is recorded in 1 Chronicles 4:10 “Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, ‘Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!’” The teaching that spread rapidly included the idea that we did not have a blessed life because we did not ask for it. People were instructed to pray this prayer repeatedly and God would shower them with blessings and freedom from pain. I recently was studying the…
Why Go to Church?
According to The Institute for Family Studies, “religious attendance has declined significantly in the past two years. The share of regular churchgoers is down by 6 percentage points, from 34% in 2019 to 28% in 2021.” A friend told me recently that the singles group at her church had lost 60% of those who regularly participated before Covid hit. I’m among those who stayed home for months during the worst of the pandemic—from March 2020 through most of 2021—opting to catch services online because I was high risk. So I totally get how easy it is to enjoy a leisurely breakfast and relax on Sunday morning, leisurely watching it online…
Taking our Thoughts Captive
But to my amazement as I cast my net of prayer for help out into the waters of grace my net comes back to me full of all that had seemed lost.