Women’s Bible Studies Available Online
Are you looking for a quality women’s Bible Study for yourself or for your group? One with study questions that can be easily read online or that can be freely downloaded and printed? We have so many available for you right here on Bible.org! Check out the studies listed below according to the topic and what comes along with it—a study guide to download, any audio files that coordinate with the studies, and teaching aids. Many of them are also available in print form for those who have limited access to a printer. Ready to explore?
Remember Jesus!
Camel caravans will cover your roads, young camels from Midian and Ephah. All the merchants of Sheba will come, bringing gold and incense and singing praises to the Lord. (Isaiah 60:6 NET)
Did the Shepherds in Bethlehem Include Girls?
Does your nativity set have any female shepherds? Until last year when a friend gifted me with a set that included one, mine didn’t. For the longest time I thought shepherds were only male—an image I probably picked up unconsciously from art. Without anything said outright about the sex of shepherds, I had internalized the idea that “shepherd” was a guy job.If I saw a Christmas pageant with girls dressed in bathrobes holding shepherds’ crooks, I would tell myself the real nativity story lacked girls, so the directors were taking creative license, adding roles to include all the kids in the show. But now I know those females in bathrobes…
The Feasts of Israel – Dedication (Hanukkah)
(18) These are the Lord’s appointed times, holy assemblies, which you must proclaim at their appointed time. (Leviticus 23:4 NET)
Myrrh was used for incense in Hebrew ceremonies and has a sweet smell.
Revisiting the Typical Christmas Nativity to find a Relatable Story
The typical modern western Christmas nativity story goes something like this: A shrouded Mary, heavily pregnant, sits sidesaddle on a donkey. Beside her walks her husband, holding a stick. They arrive in starry Bethlehem late at night and frantically go from inn to inn searching for a place to spend the night because her labor has begun. But there is no vacancy. Finally, in desperation, the couple accepts an offer to sleep in a stable where the farm animals lodge. Somehow, Mary gives birth, wraps a silent baby Jesus in a swaddle, and places him on a bed of hay in a manger. The animals gather round and peacefully approach…
The Sign Given to the Shepherds
This will be a sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:12-14)
How Does Jesus and His Interactions with Women Inform Our Beliefs?
Scholars agree that Jesus valued and elevated women. At the same time, scholars disagree as to whether Jesus’s affirmation and ministry to and with women have a bearing on whether to limit the ministry of women.[1] An essential element for deciding about women’s functioning in the church, in other words developing your theology of women, is a review of the New Testament accounts of Jesus’s ministry to, and interactions with, women.
When Gratitude and Grief Hold Hands
It’s been five months since our son took his life and we were thrown into a sea of grief. I can tell people are still praying for us because God’s deep and beautiful grace is holding us up. The day after Curt died, I was struck with the thought that a gigantic wall of awful grief was going to hit me. Hard. I knew that wall. It slammed into me the first time when our firstborn baby Becky died on her eighth day of life. It slammed into me again almost two years ago when a third of my tongue was cut out because of cancer. So I know how…
Discover Prayer (Part III): Pray the Promise, Not Just the Problem!
Pray the PROMISE, NOT just the PROBLEM. God was aware of our problem(s) before we were and provided a promise as the solution (i.e., scripture verse(s) in the Bible) long before it came to our attention. Furthermore, rehearsing ONLY the problem to God makes it grow larger in our hearts (1). Praying the promise causes our hearts to believe in God more than the problem. Remember, whatever you focus on will grow larger in your heart – PROMISE or PROBLEM.